Since opening our doors in 2010, our objective has been to not only provide the best flood insurance options, but also to educate our customers on what flood insurance is, why it is needed, and how Texas Flood Insurance can help. Here you’ll find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions – about both the requirements and flood insurance coverages that are available in Texas.
What exactly is a flood?
A flood is when two or more acres or two or more properties are affected by water from the ground up – usually due to heavy rain, river overflow, or extreme coastal conditions. Though river floodplains and coastal areas are the most susceptible, it is possible for flooding to occur in areas with unusually long periods of heavy rainfall – typically in dry land areas. This is why it is important to carry flood insurance even in low- to moderate-risk flood zones.
Does my homeowner insurance cover flooding?
Most homeowners’ insurance policies only cover damage caused by threats such as fire, windstorms, hail, lightning, theft or vandalism. Though there are other policies that cover additional risks, floods and earthquakes are typically excluded from homeowners insurance policies.
If a flood affects my property, won’t disaster assistance bail me out?
Disaster assistance should not be counted on as it only becomes available if the President declares a disaster – and that doesn’t always happen. However, Federal assistance is not insurance, but a low-interest loan.
FEMA gives a great example to better understand how this loan works. Borrow $50,000 at 4% and you’ll pay about $240 a month for 30 years, in addition to your mortgage.
FEMA gives a great example to better understand how this loan works. Borrow $50,000 at 4% and you’ll pay about $240 a month for 30 years, in addition to your mortgage.
What if my home and content value is more than what the NFIP offers?
Many private insurance companies offer enhanced or excess flood protection, which provides limits above those of the NFIP. For more information, contact us – we’d be happy to discuss your options to make sure you’re protected.
I don’t live in a high-risk flood zone; should I carry flood insurance?
With about 20% of flood insurance claims coming from moderate- to low-risk areas, it is strongly recommended to carry flood insurance even though it may not be required. In fact, you may qualify for the Preferred Risk Policy (a lower-cost flood insurance policy) that provides building plus contents coverage for as little as $129 PER YEAR!
Am I eligible for flood insurance?
Everyone is eligible; it just depends on what zone and community you live in to qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) coverage. If you don’t live in an area that participates with the NFIP, you could still be eligible through a private carrier.
Everyone is eligible; it just depends on what zone and community you live in to qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) coverage. If you don’t live in an area that participates with the NFIP, you could still be eligible through a private carrier.
Why am I required to buy flood insurance?
Homes and businesses in high-risk flood areas with mortgages or loans from federally regulated lenders are required to have flood insurance. While flood insurance is not federally required if you live in a moderate- to low-risk flood area, your lender may still require you to have insurance and it is still strongly recommended.
What is covered in the event of a flood?
Flood insurance covers physical damage to your property and possessions (up to a certain limit depending on your policy). Please see the attached document as a guide for what is and is not covered to better understand your flood insurance policy.
Can I buy flood insurance directly through the NFIP?
You can only purchase flood insurance through an insurance agent; you cannot buy it directly from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). However, Texas Flood Insurance is a general agent, which means we can process all flood insurance policies through the NFIP or through one of our many private carriers.
You can only purchase flood insurance through an insurance agent; you cannot buy it directly from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). However, Texas Flood Insurance is a general agent, which means we can process all flood insurance policies through the NFIP or through one of our many private carriers.
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